Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Thank you to all of the grade 5/6 families for your contributions to the Christmas Cheer board Hamper! It’s much appreciated.

Our class Christmas party will be held in the afternoon on Friday. Only those families I’ve already contacted are asked to bring food for the party. A big thank you in advance to you! 

If you have any questions about anything happening in the next couple of days, please let me know.

Merry Christmas to all of you! I hope you get some time off to celebrate with your family and friends, and to relax as well.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Christmas Concert was awesome! All of the students did a great job performing.

Just a friendly reminder that Christmas Hamper items are due Wednesday, December 18th. Thank you so much for contributing to the hamper and for helping to make someone else’s Christmas better.

Please remember that students will be participating in winter activities December 18th, so please remind them to dress warm.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The grade 5/6 students are enjoying playing a game that teaches them how to look up Bible verses.

The Grade 5’s are multiplying with multiples of 10. 

Grade 6’s are learning about and naming angles.
Here students are displaying obtuse, right and straight angles.

The class is learning about Louis Riel, the Métis people and the Red River Resistance. They seemed to enjoy learning about the part Riel played in defending Métis land. 

The Christmas Concert will be held Thursday, December 12th at 6:30 pm at the Caboto Centre. Students are asked to be there at 6:00 dressed in their Christmas attire. Please remember to bring costumes, if necessary, and music & instruments.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The grade 5’s are using halving and doubling to multiply and divide. It is a strategy that helps with mental math skills.
The grade 6’s are dividing with decimals using both long and short division, and are getting quite good at it.
The whole class is continuing to practice their cursive writing every morning while they get settled in for the day. This might be the most quiet part of the day, where you might be able to hear a pin drop. 

This week we practiced our spelling words with a racing game. Some of us had a difficult time staying behind the start line before the word ‘go’ was said. We had lots of laughs while learning.

Thank you to Mrs. Culley for bringing Christmas treats and warm drinks for our school patrols this morning! They felt very appreciated and got us all in the Christmas mood.